Wednesday 26 February 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE19 Nearly run-through

We started off by doing a read through of the script so everyone was up to date on the changes. This proved to be really useful as it meant that other people could add their ideas and see if it all fit together. This took quite a while to do, but it was worth the time.

We went straight into running the piece. This went well for the most part, but it went quite slowly as we all needed the new version of the script open in front of us. It was successful in that we knew what we were doing and were comfortable running the majority of scenes.
Over the next few rehearsals we need to work on the following:
- all transitions
- working without the script
- everyone's monologues
- Dave and Harry's reactions to Jane and Meredith's monologues
- Dave acting slimy
- Jane acting drunk
- Laurent having an actual personality
- moments between Laurent and Jane
- Laurent and Meredith's direct audience address
- developing Marie's character
- Laurent/Freddie/Dave conflict scene - Hugo needs to strike the right balance between angry and rational
- combining movement with lines for Meredith/Harry fight
- Charles being angry that Meredith called him - work on awkward silences
- Last bar scene where lies get revealed and happy ending takes place.

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