Wednesday 12 February 2020


Today we came up with a scene that we call the 'bar scene'. This scene shows the relationships between all characters. Here is a list of each movement in the scene:

1- Emma and James bit
2- Enter Louis and Tristan, they get drinks and do their bit
3- Enter Amelie and Silvana, they get drinks and do their bit
4- While they do that, Louis moves downstage
5- Amelie and Louis do very small bit while pulled away via hip lift from Silvana and Tristan, exit Amelie
6- On hip lift beat, enter Hugo and Seth. They get their drinks and do their bit
7- Seth and Silvana bit
8- Hugo and James bit at the same time
9- Exit Silvana pulling Seth, followed by Hugo
10- Emma and Tristan have started chair duet, at the end he carries her out of the 'door'
11- Three boys (Louis, Tristan and James) left alone to talk

Here is a video of this scene

In the afternoon, we altered the 'prologue' sequence to match with the relationships we now had which are:

  • Tristan and Emma
  • Louis and Amelie
  • Seth and Silvana
  • Hugo and Seth
We also added text to this scene, with each pair of people shouting a certain sentence related to loyalty (beginning with when/why/where). This scene will be followed up by the scene we choreographed of the three boys fragmented monologue. After this, we will transition into mine and Amelie's chair duet. We then added a monologue performed by Amelie. This was added to show the relationship between these characters. It makes sense for Amelie to be doing the talking as she is 'in charge'.

Along with this, we developed a list of songs for the performance. It was my job to find music that would work during our piece of theatre. After I spent hours of research at home looking for songs that fit, this is the playlist we composed.

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