Tuesday 4 February 2020


 This was work we did in class to update ourselves on our progress. We were slightly lost with the whole plot line therefore we wanted to make a list of every scene. I decided to do some further plot development at home and decided to add a different storyline into the one we already had. This is the idea that Emma and Hugo's house is robbed. This means that we can use a non-naturalistic style to show to scenes going on at once to then link at the end. In the lesson, we developed this idea and worked on a couple scenes that developed this storyline

Amelie, Louis, Tristan 
  • Amelie loves Louis
  • Louis loves Amelie
  • They are getting married
  • Amelie had a 'thing' with Tristan a long time ago
  • Louis and Tristan are best mates 
  • Louis wants Tristan to be his best man
  • Louis suspects Amelie is cheating
Hugo, Seth, Emma, Silvana
  • Emma and Hugo's house was burgled 
  • Emma and Silvana are sisters
  • Hugo and Seth are brothers
  • Hugo goes to live with Seth temporarily
  • Emma goes to live with Silvana temporarily
  • Both struggling for money before
  • Hugo's brother is wealthy
  • Wants to stay with his brother
  • Emma is desperate to move back in with Hugo
  • Life is low in Silvana's house
  • Not gotten over her ex (bartender)
  • All friends with Amelie or Louis
  • Wedding is over the top
  • Emma and Silvana go shopping for dresses for the wedding
  • Makes Emma want a longer future with Hugo
  • Talks to Hugo about it
  • Hugo breaks her heart and says he has found his life to be better without her
  • Silvana and Emma are heartbroken but become happy because they become closer
  • Hugo becomes lonely as his brother is always working
  • Wants Emma back but she has 'found herself' 
  • Louis thinks he slept with his wife
  • Overhears everything in everyones life
  • Has moved on from Silvana but gives no emotional input until final monologue
  • Involved in scenes where he appears as some members 'therapist'
Scene List
  • Louis knew Hugo and Seth from school and stayed friends
  • has become friends with all 
  • James has opening monologue explaining each character and how they interrelate
  • asks Emma and Silvana to find out Amelie's ring size
  • Yoga/gym scene
  • Ends with Swindon 5 + physical theatre showing proposal
  • Next scene shows Louis and Tristan (+ explains what Meredith is like - Tristan gives first hint about cheating scandal)
  • Louis and Amelie leave stage and Tristan delivers a monologue explaining backstory between him and Amelie (+ his plan)
  • Next scene is Hugo and Emma meeting siblings in pub announcing their house was robbed and asking to move in with them for a bit
  • Scene ends with tracking Hugo and Seth going back to Seth's (meanwhile other characters transition set like in 'Things I know to be true'
  • Split screen with Emma and Silvana on the other-side
  • Sit down, have a laugh and watch rugby (ends with Seth having to go to bed and Hugo being frustrated because he wanted to drink/watch more)
  • Cuts over to Emma and Silvana
  • Emma tries to explain what's she is going through but Silvana keeps turning it back to herself and her breakup
  • They leave stage and James comes on
  • Talks about breakup while performing a chair duet/physical theatre performance with Silvana
  • This chair duet moves on to Silvana to Emma
  • Then Emma and Hugo
  • Then ends with Seth and Hugo performing a small bit with Seth and Hugo leave together
  • Louis and Amelie plan for wedding (just to further show controlling relationship) + something happens to build Louis' suspicion

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