Thursday 13 February 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE14 More character involvement

An issue we are having is using Charles and Marie to contribute to our plot. At the moment, their scenes work and are funny however they make no sense to the rest of the plot. To allow this, we once again changed the reason for the Brighton Trio being in London: they are now there for a night out and are crashing at Harry and Meredith's.

We improvised a scene between Charles, Marie, Dave and Harry at the bar, but it fell flat because there was lots of confusion between cast members over what this scene actually was. By the time this was sorted out, the energy had been lost so they decided to write up this scene instead.
While they were doing that, Amelie and I worked on our breakup scene. We initially thought we would demonstrate this via physical theatre, but as most of the moves we know require trust, it didn't fit with the main issue of 'no trust' between Harry and Meredith.

We then switched to a naturalistic scene. This was tough to make realistic as neither of us have any experience in calling off engagements. To help, we discussed our previous relationships and how they ended. We then used Stanislavski's technique of emotional memory where you associate tension in one part of the body with an emotion, but all this achieved was heightened anger and lots of shouting.
To try and help, we set some rules for the opening of the scene. Amelie was to ignore me, and I got more frustrated that meditation was more important than him. Amelie also could not reply until she reached stage right, to maximise the effectiveness of silence. These helped to make the scene more naturalistic and also allowed us to think about how the characters are really feeling.

After this, Amelie researched different physical theatre ideas that demonstrates no trust in order to make this scene a bit more exciting. Here are some videos she found:
We liked these ideas and worked them into the scene.

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