Saturday 22 February 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE16 Plot development

This rehearsal was on a Saturday, meaning we had to rehearse elsewhere. We booked a room in Top Squash. This was especially useful for physical theatre as one wall is covered in mirrors meaning we could see what we were doing the whole time. Here are the things we got done:

Completed a list of all scenes we will have in our piece
Blocked the ending
Practised our chair duet (where we Jane and Dave mirror Harry and Meredith's movements)
Practised several other scenes
Had a run through of the first 15 minutes
List of all tracks

First of all, we began with a very physical warm-up, consisting of lots of running, jumping and body movement. The first few minutes, we stood in a circle and stretched. This is important for preventing injury, as we are constantly performing and being active. Following this, we ran from one side of the room to the other, while jumping in the middle. We did the exercise several times, meaning by the end of it, we were all wide awake. It is important to start with exercises as it brings the energy level up, especially as the rehearsal was starting early.

Our aim was to have a long list of every individual scene we wanted. We wrote all the scenes down on individual pieces of paper. The list of scenes that we decided on (still with a few scenes missing towards the end) are:

  • Prologue
  • James Monologue
  • Bar movement
  • Fragmented monologue (3 boys)
  • Mirrored chair duet
  • Emma and Amelie Fragmented monologue
  • 3 boys fight
  • Tristan and Emma plotting points to destroy Louis's relationship
  • Emma planting seeds of doubt into Louis
  • Train station scene (using Swindon 5)
  • Amelie and Hugo (she asks him to walk her down the aisle)
  • Seth and Silvana character reveals
  • Train station Swindon 5 (again)
  • Hugo, Seth and Silvana talk
  • Awkward bar (Tristan almost beaten up)
  • 3 boys rekindle friendship
  • Tristan tells Louis that Amelie is cheating on him
  • Louis confronts Amelie
  • Seth and Amelie past relationship revealed
  • Tristans lies revealed
  • Louis and Amelie end happy
  • Seth and Silvana argument ends in proposal
  • Hugo and Emma end happy
  • Chair duet with Tristan again
  • Tristan left alone
  • prologue repeated but changed
Originally, the plan for the first chair duet was for it to be between myself and Amelie's character, however we decided that it would be better to have Emma and Tristan mirror this chair duet to our left. This shows that both couples have a strong bond. This is later broken down, as Tristan ends up alone. At the end of the play, myself, Amelie and Tristan will repeat this on stage, without Emma. This means Tristan will be doing the chair duet alone. There will then be a contrast between the happiness of one relationship and the sadness caused by lying. 

After working on this, we had a run through to identify which areas needed improving. A few details include:

Using the space better (don't go to far stage right and vice versa)

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