Tuesday 25 February 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE18 Finally scripted

Today we began with a warm up game of Samurai, where each movement has a reaction.
This exercise really helped to focus us while raising the energy level significantly.

Once we were warm, we began running through the scenes we had. The only thing is, because the order of scenes has been switched around so many times, we were all a bit confused.
As soon as that was sorted out and everyone was on the same page, we tried the run through again. This time it went much better, but we realized we needed to script the dialogue because people were forgetting crucial lines.

Between the first and second lesson, Amelie had scripted it on a document that we could all see and change. With this written up, it was far easier to see what needed to be done as I had highlighted those parts in red.
These are:
- Charles comforting Meredith
- Marie starting an argument and Charles proposing
- the big reveal of lies
- Jane ending it with Dave
- Jane getting with Laurent
- Harry and Meredith reuniting
- all of Laurent's scenes with his new personality

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