Wednesday 18 December 2019

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 13

Today, we worked with the OCL once again. It went well, and we blocked the procession again. We built on what we had previously improvised. Previously, I had walked into the audience and walked round the back of them, but this time I went off stage and went as far as a couple steps. I then give one student a high five. After this, I walk back down in front of the stage and jokingly recreated what the hunters were doing with the wolf. After this, I went to sit on the steps, until the hunters and wolf start heading towards me (and then I jump backwards and hide behind the narrator to show I'm still scared of the wolf). While I'm waving at the children on the floor, the hunters are performing a routine on stage, pushing the wolf around and presenting their dominance (while still obtaining a comic affect).

When I get on stage, I skip to the other side of the stage while Amelie gets down from the tree. We wave at each other, then wave at the audience. We then perform several ballet moves that help present  our friendship. After this, we skip around the stage until the bird turns into Peter's arms. I then walk over to the narrator and Amelie performs her own short sequence. Completing the play, the narrator says, "if one would listen closely, you could hear the duck quacking inside the wolf' and all characters lean into the wolf's belly, before bowing. There was an issue with the bow therefore we will work on that tomorrow.

Apart from the bow, we feel very well prepared for tomorrow's performance, and without any mess ups, we feel we can create a performance that the little children will love.

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