Sunday 15 December 2019

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 10

We chose to do some extra rehearsals over the weekend to make sure we had a full run-through for Monday. We also tidied up the end of the play, with the procession now being complete.

We worked for 4 hours.

Just before the procession, we added a synchronised dance routine, including the hunters, Peter and the bird. The hunters taking steps while swinging their guns in the air, while Peter and the bird dance in the background. We added a couple lifts, with Peter lifting the bird out of the tree and Peter lifting the bird while in the dance routine.

We also worked on our physical well being, working with different gym equipment to help us become more prepared. Quite often, when we weren't on stage, we would be working on these exercises.

This rehearsal helped us a lot as the run-through gave us and our teachers an understanding of how our final performance might look.

On Monday, we are looking to showcase our full run-through to our teachers and get feedback on whether it all works.

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