Monday 16 December 2019

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 11

In this lesson, we were making sure as many run-throughs were being done. 

We did one run-through at the start of the lesson, which the cast were not too happy about. Several things went wrong, including the rope being tangled, people forgetting cues and so on. Despite this, we still received positive feedback from our teachers. This is because it is the first run-through they have seen us do, so they were happy with the progress.

We are at the stage of rehearsals where we want to do as many run-throughs as possible, and then receive directors notes on what we can improve. One part that wasn't making complete sense was Peter's entry after getting kicked off of the stage by his grandfather. Previously we had my character entering when the line 'In the meantime, Peter stood behind the gate', however, it would make the most sense if Peter gradually moves back on stage when the wolf is at the front of the stage. This makes more sense as now, it looks like he is crawling away from his grandfather. The line also makes more sense, as the line suggests Peter is already behind the gate when the line is delivered. 

Another problem we found is when the bird enters. Previously, we had the bird entering when her music first comes on. This didn't make sense as the narrator's line says that the bird should be in the tree from the very start. We now have the bird entering at the same time as Peter. Due to this, Peter now waves at the narrator (like before) and then turns and waves at the bird (once again, to symbolise friendship).

At this point in rehearsals, we feel very prepared for the performance, as there are only small amounts that we have to change.

Tomorrow, we will be working with the musicians for the first time. This might be a challenge as their pace could be slightly different to the tracks we have been using. Despite this, I think we will make the most progress tomorrow as it will help Tristan (the narrator) with the timing of his lines.

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