Wednesday 4 December 2019

Art Script REVIEW + FEST

List of characters

Yvonne (Yvan's step-mum)
Catherine (Yvan's wife)
Frinkzohn (Yvan's therapist)
Paula (Marc's lover)

In our first two periods, myself, Amelie and James had a read through the play 'Art'. We chose this play as a stimulus for our FEST performance, as we like the style and the themes explored within it. Our plan for period 5 and 6 is to look specifically at the characters mentioned but with no dialogue. We will provide the rest of the class with a scene to improvise around.

After period 5 and 6, we gave the other students a scene from Art to take inspiration from. We chose a scene where the character Yvan is discussing his wedding, and mentions the loyalties he has to his wife, his mother and his wife's stepmother. We wanted the students to look at the theme of loyalty and create a piece surrounding it. We then split the cast in two groups, with myself and James working as directors for each, and Amelie worked on taking lines of dialogue and ideas from each groups.

I worked alongside Hugo and Tristan. We chose to look at a man getting married and showed a scene where he meets both his father and his step-father at a pub, at the same time. Something I liked from our piece was the conflict between the father and step-father, and I think it could be something to look into for our devised piece. I believe we could have looked at character variation, as our characters were all too similar.

The other group looked deeper into frantic assembly's style of physical theatre, and did a long chair duet. The idea of mixing naturalistic and non-naturalistic styles is something I really like, as it can cause an exciting contrast.

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