Monday 22 March 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 10


Today we filmed the 3 bed scenes. Originally we had planned to film in the conference room, but we adapted to film in the auditorium due to a mess up with a booking. I directed 2 of the 3 bed scenes filmed, and filmed 1. We adjusted the script, having Hugo sit at the bed instead of on the kitchen counter. This then meant we changed the scene up and had it between Lorna and Cuckoo. We also had a look through the costume cupboard to find Hugo some sunglasses. We had some issues with lighting but used a lamp to make it better.


This afternoon, we filmed in the conference room. This scene is the scene where the family begin to plan the party until Dylan enters, and starts squabbling with his sister. The dad then announces they will have a family meeting. We set up flats sofa etc and mise-en-scene to have clear continuation. This was always my favourite scene, as I deliver the line, "I'm a lifeguard, I'm guarding her". I feel as though I generate great energy when I say this line, and I have had positive feedback with my accent.

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