Monday 15 March 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 9


Although this is our last scene, we felt it would make more sense to film it today, as we had all the props and costumes with us. It was quite difficult to film because there were caretakers going in and out of the room, meaning the garage door was opening and closing (changing the audio). We brought a bench into the garage, and had Cuckoo approach Ken. We managed to have the characters 2m apart so they could have their masks off. At the end of the scene, Ken and Cuckoo are meant to hug, but we adapted this to being Cuckoo bowing to Ken for an excessive amount of time.


Ms Williams was not here for this filming, but it still went well. One main issue was we forgot to get footage of Cuckoo for a long time, which means it might be awkward in the edit. We assessed the option of refilming but felt it wouldn't be necessary. We are hoping this will be one of the funniest scenes we have, because there are some moments that have great timing.


This was a very short scene, which was quite problematic. I was directing and filming this scene, and I felt the actors weren't in role enough to emphasise the humour of this scene. In the end, we didn't really get the shots we wanted, so I will have to work around with them while editing.

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