Monday 8 March 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 8


This was the main shoot of our whole episode, as we had all our extras for 2 hours. This was a very intense filming session. Some challenges we faced included:

  • Keeping all the extras quiet
  • Directing such a large group of people
  • Getting the lines right in front of a crowd
  • Being efficient
  • Preparing the set, and preventing it from getting kicked or destroyed
We were able to get everything (and more) that we wanted to film today, therefore overall it was a very successful shoot. The year 12's were very cooperative, and (mostly) got into character well. As a media student, I enjoy taking charge of camera angles, and I enjoy directing, so I took a lead role alongside Emma today. After we had finished with the year 12's, we continued to shoot some other scenes.


This was slightly difficult to finish, as we were struggling to get into character after a long day of filming with our extras. In the end, we managed to get enough footage to make it work.


While filming was still going on in the conference room, myself, James, Tristan and Olivia (Y12) went down to the library to film Ken's study. There was no desk or chair in the room we wanted to film in, so we grabbed these from the drama hall. After we set up the set, we were very efficient with filming. One criticism was that we didn't get enough variation in shot types, and some of the footage was shaky.

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