Monday 1 March 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 7


Although we had planned to film next week, we felt we could bring it forward as we were all ready. As we had some cast members missing, it made sense to do a short scene, so we did Kens office scene. It was quite slow to start off with, as it was our first time filming with a time limit. Despite this, it was quite successful, as both myself and James were able to get into character. Tristan was the videographer and director at the start, followed by Emma taking over. This scene only lasts a minute, so it was a very good scene to start with. 


As I am not part of this scene, I wasn't there (and it was inconvenient). Despite this, I helped plan what to shoot. From what I heard, it was a very successful shoot, with Emma directing. I will edit this footage together soon, get some feedback so I can apply that feedback to how I edit the rest of the show.

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