Monday 1 February 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 3

This week we decided on our pre-production (and post-production) tasks. First of all, we listed all the pre-production tasks required, and we settled on this list:

  • Production manager
  • Storyboard
  • Costume, props, set, hair and makeup
  • Scriptwriting

As James wasn't present today, he was assigned the role of productions manager. This means that he will lead pre-production meetings, and will take the lead role of organising rehearsals.

Amelie and Tristan are working together to create a storyboard. A storyboard is a key section of creating the visual concept, as it gives us the opportunity to see each shot type in isolation. This is a longer task, therefore the two are sharing it. These storyboards will be key to our productions dates, as they will make the process of changing set/shot type a lot more efficient.

The next pre-production task was research and the creation + planning into costume, props, set, hair and makeup. Hugo and Silvana will share this role, as both students have a past in Art. Their job could include painting set, collecting the best costumes from everyone, and ensuring we keep within our budget.

The final pre-production task is scriptwriting, as we couldn't find one online. Although this isn't a challenging task, it is very time consuming and very important. It has to be perfect, and very accurate, to stop us getting dialogue wrong or cues. Emma will be taking this task.


I do not have a pre-production task, as I am taking the role of editing the whole show. This is a very difficult task, and I will be editing on Final Cut Pro. 

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