Monday 8 February 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 4


Emma has finished the majority of the script already, meaning we prioritised having a script read-through. This was very useful, as it was the first time we could experience the show as the actors, instead of the audience. I have had some struggles with reading Dylan, as I'm struggling to be creative with the delivery of the lines.

In the afternoon, we had another read-through with the Y12's (the extras in our show), and this was very successful. The year 12's hadn't seen the episode yet, so it was refreshing to see the comedy translated through our acting. I managed to adapt my delivery to improve my interpretation significantly.

(we also had a pre-production meeting, which is in our Microsoft Teams folder)



We had a pre-production meeting to establish our roles and work through a spreadsheet make to establish:
  • Rehearsal schedule
  • Filming schedule
  • Rehearsals
  • Props list & who will bring in what
  • Costumes for each character
  • Assigned videographer and director for each scene


(This was not the version at the time but is the finished version - adaptations were made to it throughout the process)

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