Tuesday 21 April 2020


Today, I did a 10 minute run-on the cross-trainer. my aim is to build up my fitness and run further distances as this unit processes. The first 10 minute run (yesterday), I ran 2.2 km in 10 minutes, burning around 100 calories. Today, I ran 2.45 km, burning around 120. This slight improvement could be because:
  • Better and longer warm-up
  • I was more hydrated
  • I ate just before I ran the day before therefore I felt more tired
I chose to run on the cross-trainer because it is easily accessible and the weather conditions don't play an impact on my distances. I also feel as though it is important to mix up the different cardio activities I do, therefore I will be doing creative runs outside.

In todays recovery, I made sure I stood up, walked around slowly and was drinking water

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