Tuesday 28 April 2020

THE HEALTHY PERFORMER3 First workout on new schedule

Here is a video I took after my first workout...


Points raised in this video:

  • Working on chest and back
  • Need to lift more attainable weights
  • Had to reduce difficulty of push ups half way through
  • 35 minute workout
Other points:
  • In the video, I was in the recovery stage, keeping on my feet and working on breathing
  • I made sure I was hydrated before the workout and remained hydrated throughout
  • Next time, I will try reduce the time between each exercise in each superset (I was taking too long to change position from one exercise to the other)
  • I will stretch post workout as well as before

THE HEALTHY PERFORMER2 Week 1 workout schedule

After having a discussion with my teacher, I have decided to change my workout plans slightly, Previously I was thinking of doing around 75% aerobic exercise and 25% anaerobic, as my focus was to get fit. After the discussion with my teacher, I have decided to do aerobic exercise 4 days a week, and anaerobic once or twice a week. I am also following a specific online workout found on this website. This website gives me different exercises that allow me to build muscle for my whole body. It is specifically designed for a home workout using only dumbbells. It guarantees results if the plan is followed correctly, including important pointers on what tempo to carry out, how many reps to do and how many sets. It is also important to follow the breaks/no breaks it suggests, as the 'supersets' optimise results, supposedly getting the best results by keeping your muscles under tension for as long as possible. Throughout this program, you build up the difficulty of the exercises per week, altering the weights duration or tempo, going on for the whole 4 week duration. Here is my week 1 workout schedule.

Tuesday 21 April 2020


Today, I did a 10 minute run-on the cross-trainer. my aim is to build up my fitness and run further distances as this unit processes. The first 10 minute run (yesterday), I ran 2.2 km in 10 minutes, burning around 100 calories. Today, I ran 2.45 km, burning around 120. This slight improvement could be because:
  • Better and longer warm-up
  • I was more hydrated
  • I ate just before I ran the day before therefore I felt more tired
I chose to run on the cross-trainer because it is easily accessible and the weather conditions don't play an impact on my distances. I also feel as though it is important to mix up the different cardio activities I do, therefore I will be doing creative runs outside.

In todays recovery, I made sure I stood up, walked around slowly and was drinking water