Monday 15 February 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 5 and 6


This week we worked on improvising scenarios around our characters to build our understanding around them. We spent 5 minutes coming up with our own improvised scenarios based on implied and given circumstances in our script. Some of the ideas included:

the family Christmas dinner, with Cuckoo butting heads with Ken and Connie and Steve bursting in

  • Rachel and Lorna before Rachel goes off on her gap year
  • Lorna flirting with Cuckoo, then Ken walks in
  • Steve leading a karate class
  • Steve and Connie in their bedroom, with Steve trying to role-play Ken
  • Dylan and Charlie in detention
  • Zoe and Dylan on a date
  • Ken & Lorna and Connie & Steve meet for the first time
This was beneficial to all of us, as it meant we could grasp our characters on a deeper level. It also helped establish the relationships between the characters.


This week was a continuation of our previous week. We continued working on the spreadsheet, continued working on our lines, and continued contacting our extras to confirm times we would be able to film. We have planned to start filming mid-march, with filming lasting around 2-3 weeks. This is to obtain realism (as if the filming was for much longer, haircuts would change). We have split the filming into 8 shoots:

A key area we focused on this week was location scouting. We all went home to scout our homes and areas and sent these to each other. Originally, we decided to film at my house. This was because we were looking for a house with an island in the kitchen, that is close to the dining room. Although my house would have worked, we decided it would be breaching COVID-19 restrictions. This means we will have to film in the conference room. Although this is more convenient, it means the realism will be lowered significantly. On the plus side, we have greater access to this room and we will be able to shoot several scenes (using flats to create the different rooms).

We still want some variation in locations, which is why we have planned to film in these locations:

  • Library
This will be Kens Study, where he has a 1 on 1 conversation with Zoe.

  • Silvana's house
This will be Connie and Steve's house. It works perfectly, as it appears far more classy than the rest of our set, keeping to the theme of wealth within that family.

  • Terrace
We have chosen to film one of the garage scenes of a terrace, to mix up our location from being in the conference room

  • A school office
This is where we will film Kens office scene with Dylan

  • The school garage
We are planning on asking the school caretakers if we can use their garage to film the closing scene. Although it would make sense to film both on the terrace, the final scene is set in the evening, so the lighting outside wouldn't work.

  • My bathroom
I will film my cologne scene in my own bathroom, as a school bathroom doesn't work

Monday 8 February 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 4


Emma has finished the majority of the script already, meaning we prioritised having a script read-through. This was very useful, as it was the first time we could experience the show as the actors, instead of the audience. I have had some struggles with reading Dylan, as I'm struggling to be creative with the delivery of the lines.

In the afternoon, we had another read-through with the Y12's (the extras in our show), and this was very successful. The year 12's hadn't seen the episode yet, so it was refreshing to see the comedy translated through our acting. I managed to adapt my delivery to improve my interpretation significantly.

(we also had a pre-production meeting, which is in our Microsoft Teams folder)



We had a pre-production meeting to establish our roles and work through a spreadsheet make to establish:
  • Rehearsal schedule
  • Filming schedule
  • Rehearsals
  • Props list & who will bring in what
  • Costumes for each character
  • Assigned videographer and director for each scene


(This was not the version at the time but is the finished version - adaptations were made to it throughout the process)

Monday 1 February 2021

Film and TV - rehearsal unit - WEEK 3

This week we decided on our pre-production (and post-production) tasks. First of all, we listed all the pre-production tasks required, and we settled on this list:

  • Production manager
  • Storyboard
  • Costume, props, set, hair and makeup
  • Scriptwriting

As James wasn't present today, he was assigned the role of productions manager. This means that he will lead pre-production meetings, and will take the lead role of organising rehearsals.

Amelie and Tristan are working together to create a storyboard. A storyboard is a key section of creating the visual concept, as it gives us the opportunity to see each shot type in isolation. This is a longer task, therefore the two are sharing it. These storyboards will be key to our productions dates, as they will make the process of changing set/shot type a lot more efficient.

The next pre-production task was research and the creation + planning into costume, props, set, hair and makeup. Hugo and Silvana will share this role, as both students have a past in Art. Their job could include painting set, collecting the best costumes from everyone, and ensuring we keep within our budget.

The final pre-production task is scriptwriting, as we couldn't find one online. Although this isn't a challenging task, it is very time consuming and very important. It has to be perfect, and very accurate, to stop us getting dialogue wrong or cues. Emma will be taking this task.


I do not have a pre-production task, as I am taking the role of editing the whole show. This is a very difficult task, and I will be editing on Final Cut Pro.