Sunday 20 September 2020

21/09/20 Finding our second piece + first rehearsal

 On Monday (today), we have 3 lessons split into p1, p5 & p6. In period 1, we immediately decided wanted to perform 'Psychosis' by Sarah Kane, as we had performed it the previous week and we created some quality while doing it. Last week, we performed it in the style of the theatre practitioner, 'Artaud', however the other group decided to perform it in that style, therefore we are looking at taking influence from Frantic Assembly. We also researched different texts and tried to link a practitioner to this text, however we found this task quite challenging as none of the scripts we had fitted our goal. One script we spent a while reading and watching was 'Accidental Death of an Anarchist' by Dario Fo. Although we found his slapstick style of comedy funny, we felt is would be difficult to execute, therefore we decided not to look any closer into this. We are still in the process of finding our second script.

In our final two periods of the day, we rehearsed Psychosis, we did a script read and we cut chunks of the script that we didn't want/need (and that prolonged it over the 20 minute mark). As this performance will be delivered to year 11's and year 12's, we felt it was necessary to cut the most graphic scenes. After this task, we set up a rehearsal schedule, choosing to rehearse after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then frequent lunchtime slots. This gives us enough time to feel comfortable in preparing a dress rehearsal for the week before the performance.

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