Wednesday 16 September 2020

14/09/20 Group Work Practitioners

 Here are the scripts we looked at in todays lesson:

  • DNA
  • EAST
Here are the scripts we looked at in todays lesson:
  • Amelie - Peter Brook
  • Louis - Craig
  • Silvana - Brecht
  • Seth - Fo
  • Hugo - Stanislavski
  • Emma - Pinter
  • James - Antoine Artaud
  • Tristan - Jerzy Grotowski
All different practitioners gave me an intake into the different aspects and elements of directing and performing theatre, looking at a contrast of comedy and darker theatre styles. Our task was to split into 2 groups and decide on 1 script to look closer at, and then link practitioners to it, to then produce a short piece of theatre to perform in the afternoon. My group chose to mix Artaud, Brecht and Fo with the 'DNA' script. After audience feedback, we learnt it was a successful performance, making the audience uncomfortable. I enjoyed this style of theatre as it allows an actors and directors ideas spiral, meaning no performance will ever be the same. If I was to do it again, I would take inspiration from the other performance, alternating where to position the audience. This was effective in their performance because it made us feel intrigued yet uncomfortable (while lying on stage).

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