Wednesday 24 June 2020

Unit 104 Special Subject Investigation OVERVIEW

“Contemporary theatre requires a combination of naturalism and non-naturalism to appeal to their audience”
Throughout this research project, I was adding more information onto each post, therefore when wanting to find information on a specific topic, I knew which post I had included it in. I split this log into 10 different specific research points, which are:

  • General notes
  • Stanislavski
  • Brecht
  • Love Song notes + summary
  • Things I know to be True notes + summary
  • The Seagull audience reviews + summary
  • Macbeth audience reviews + summary
  • History
  • Website references
I am planning on refining each post into powerpoint slides, with a couple other slides that don't require research (conclusion, introduction, applying these styles to my own previous work). 

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