Wednesday 22 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE5 Developing more scenes

We split into 2 groups to develop more scenes between the characters. One scene was between myself, James and Tristan. The plan for this scene was to show their friendship and show Tristan's disliking towards Harry's (Louis') girlfriend, Meredith. This worked well as we managed to use good sets of movement to portray a friendship.

The other two groups also created non-naturalistic scenes. Here is a video of Emma, Silvana and Amelie's...

This physical theatre was really good. One bit I really liked was the 'puppet' movement. This is useful for showing a controlling relationship. We would probably use this movement between myself and Amelie to show that she controls me.

Hugo and Seth also created a short sequence using the poetry we used a while back. We didn't film it as it was too short to use in our performance.

This was a useful rehearsal as we developed different options.

We then looked at a specific DV8 scene set in a bar. We wouldn't be able to recreate this scene as it is very complicated however we would still use a similar style of movement surrounding beer glasses. We liked:

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