Tuesday 28 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE7 Potential duologue

Here is a drafted duologue between myself and Amelie
(Blue is Louis, Red is Amelie)
This scene would be used at the start of the play to show the relationship between the two characters. It would likely be used during or after the chair duet we choreographed last rehearsal.
This is Harry
This is Meredith
He will be my husband soon
She will be my wife soon
He is 26
And she is 24
And I love him
And I love her
Been with him for 2 and a half years now
Stuck with her for 2 and a half years now
We do so many things together
always something strange and unique
something like settling the mind, through meditation, in a field, shirtless, in winter
I am an office manager for a stationary company
but he isn't allowed to write with pens
No, I have to write with some natural ink that she gives me because apparently this ink bring me and the lord closer together
We are very religious
She is very religious
He suffers from anxiety attacks
I do
But he is fine because lavender has a specific smell that cures him, so I give him that
I would rather just have anti-anxiety pills
But they aren't natural Harry
Yes I know Meredith

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