Wednesday 29 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE8 Developing scenes

In the first session, we began by drawing up a rehearsal schedule for the weeks to come.

We then reviewed the progress we have made so far in a group discussion.
Once we had done so, we realized that we really needed to come up with a plot. After some more discussion, we ended up with a basic five point plot:
1- Wedding planning
2- The lies
3- The fight
4- Wedding is cancelled
5- Everyone finds that their loyalty lies with themselves - wholesome end??

We then developed each of these a bit more.

1. Wedding planning. Here we see that Harry is obsessively in love with Meredith, who is a total control freak. Charles is also in love with Meredith and holds a grudge against Harry for stealing his opportunity. Could the engagement announcement be the trigger for his manipulations, ie if he's not happy no one else can be? We open with the movement sequence, the yoga/gym scenes, more movement. It introduces and shows relationships through the wedding planner, like in the opening of the Gdansk episode of John Finnemore's souvenir programme?, shows the friends' reactions to Meredith, and a includes a scene where Charles is asked to be the best man.
To help with this, Louis, Tristan and I improvised a scene to show Harry asking Charles to be the best man and being interrupted by Meredith. The things we liked about this scene were:
- the continuous misunderstanding between the two men - a holiday to Spain and best man duties
- Meredith's entrance and total intolerance of Charles
- the stress-relief harmonizing
After this scene, we could have a monologue from Charles to show his duplicitous ways, like Iago's soliloquies from Othello.

2. The lies. Here, Charles' plan is put into action as he spreads lies a bit like a modern-day Othello as all seed of doubt are planted by Charles. To help with ideas, Emma, Silvana, Seth and Hugo went off and brainstormed. These would be situations that could either be suspicious or completely innocent with a good answer. This is what they came back with:
- Meredith has been seen by an unknown person with the barman
- Frederick has been giving her free drinks
- they seemed to be all over each other
- he took her up to his room
- instead of going to yoga class, she goes to meet her lover
- she can't keep her legs closed
- Frederick keeps winking at her from across the room
- she actually eats meat

Some other things that could pick at Harry's trust could be:
- smelling her perfume on Fred
- her phone gets a message from Fred
- he finds some clothes that aren't his
- her yoga teacher texts asking why she hasn't been coming
- she gets a message from a unisex name like 'Leslie' or 'Charlie' or 'Alex'
- gets a message from Fred saying she left her bag at his
- Fred says something flirty/personal while pouring drinks
- Charles introduced Meredith to Harry, who was supposed to be his wingman but he 'stole' her
- Harry at the bar sees Fred's phone get a message from 'M', thinks it is Meredith but it is actually        Marie

All these things build up and convince Harry more and more that she is unfaithful, but so much so that he loses sight of where his loyalties lie.

3. The fight. This is the climax of the piece where Harry finally confronts Meredith, realizes she is innocent and so is Frederick, and goes to confront Charles instead. Their fight can be shown through physical theatre.

4. Harry is left alone. When Meredith hears about the fight, she is upset and cancels the wedding. This means that Harry is lonely and sad, which we were thinking could be shown by the Frantic Assembly technique 'Swindon Five', with Harry in the middle looking lost.

5. Resolution. The characters realize that loyalty lies within themselves, resulting in a natural, bittersweet separation. This could be shown with a closing monologue by James, while the others do physical theatre about what everyone is up to-- like at the end of makeover shows they do a 'Here's what they are up to now!' bit.

We began the afternoon with a thorough physical warm-up using the foam dice. We took it in turns to throw two dice, one with different time limits on it, and the other with various exercises such as walking lunges, press-ups and squats. After a few rounds of this, we began thinking of ways to develop the opening scene.
We split into two groups - three girls and the five boys. These groups were then tasked with creating an improvisation surrounding Meredith and Harry prior to their engagement.

The scene us girls came up with was set in Meredith's yoga class where the other girls were sent by Harry to find out her ring size. Squeezing the air out of this scene while we developed it took a while as there was a lot of unintentional 'um's and 'er's, however once we managed this it flowed much better and had the fast-paced comedic element we want to incorporate throughout the piece.

The things we liked from this scene was:
- Meredith's cold nature and intolerance
- The sharp contrast of personalities
- Silvana's character just completely giving up and accidentally letting slip.

While we were doing this, the boys were creating a scene where I tell my friends that I wants to propose to Meredith. This scene also took a bit of time to get it to work properly but in the end it went well.
The idea is to go straight from the opening movement sequence into the yoga class scene with the girls. From there it will go into the scene with the boys so that all the things they say about Meredith can be seen by the audience beforehand so they get the jokes made about her.

Once we had reached a point where everyone was happy with the scenes, we decided to try and go into another movement sequence to show Charles trying to deceive my character and flirt with Meredith, and also to show the passage of time. This was easier said than done, as we initially just talked over ideas and shut down other peoples' by pointing out how they could feasibly go wrong. This went on for maybe five minutes and we weren't getting anywhere, so we had a couple of rounds of 'Yes, and.'. This is an improvisation game that opens peoples' minds to new ideas as they literally cannot say no to anything. At first it felt a bit weird, but we soon got into it and we could tell our improvisation brains were working better.

Now that we had overcome this block, we decided to revisit some ideas mentioned before. Going off this, we began in our two groups of boys and girls. We spent five minutes developing a short movement sequence.
Amelie leans forward propped up on the others' hands, they push her back from 'escaping my relationship', she grabs their arms and they twist under and block her once again. They spin her towards centre stage and push Amelie towards me
One incident occurred in the boys' rehearsal as, once again, Tristan got mildly injured. This evidently needs to be avoided in the real thing, so we need to work on using the same force each time they run it through.
We tried merging our two movement sequences together, and ended up with the following:
From where they push Amelie, she does the run & lean move on Tristan, and go under his arm towards me. They do their hand-on-cheek-etc. thing, but from where Tristan spins Amelie, she pulls him along with her and he ends up on one knee.

One problem we encountered was that Seth and James were standing in such a position that they blocked the short 'engagement move' from being seen. We need to find a way to have them move away from centre stage without directing the main attention away from what Amelie and I are doing.

Finally, we looked at James' opening monologue as we haven't spent much time on it. The only thing is, he is a little daunted at the prospect which makes it a bit difficult to develop. The main thing we did do was discuss ideas once more about what he should say. In the end he speed-wrote a monologue which ended up being quite good. The only thing we need to do now is edit it as we develop more and more events plot-wise.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE7 Potential duologue

Here is a drafted duologue between myself and Amelie
(Blue is Louis, Red is Amelie)
This scene would be used at the start of the play to show the relationship between the two characters. It would likely be used during or after the chair duet we choreographed last rehearsal.
This is Harry
This is Meredith
He will be my husband soon
She will be my wife soon
He is 26
And she is 24
And I love him
And I love her
Been with him for 2 and a half years now
Stuck with her for 2 and a half years now
We do so many things together
always something strange and unique
something like settling the mind, through meditation, in a field, shirtless, in winter
I am an office manager for a stationary company
but he isn't allowed to write with pens
No, I have to write with some natural ink that she gives me because apparently this ink bring me and the lord closer together
We are very religious
She is very religious
He suffers from anxiety attacks
I do
But he is fine because lavender has a specific smell that cures him, so I give him that
I would rather just have anti-anxiety pills
But they aren't natural Harry
Yes I know Meredith

Monday 27 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE6 Character development + completed chair duet

We began today with a standard warm-up game of 'zip zap boing'. This is a simple game to play as it always ups the energy the room, meaning all of us are able to focus on the task better. We had to work in a different space today as we were working outside of lesson time. This room isn't very good for our rehearsals because it is the common room. This means that there are always people entering/exiting. This is why the game was important, as it meant we could focus on Drama instead of the distractions.

We started by running through what we had previously done the week before, and we fixed any bits we had forgotten. We worked on putting the contact improvisation scenes into 1 scene in the style of a prologue. Myself and Amelie now have a completed sequence that flows nicely. Since the others were still rehearsing theirs, we ended up playing with the pacing and the music we wanted to go with it. We started off by not knowing of any relationship between the characters, but by the end, we knew what was being portrayed during it. We wanted to use different pacing for this to emphasise different moments.

After this, we worked on creating a monologue for James. We had decided that the storyline would revolve around a bar that James owns. From the hot seating, we gathered this information about him:

     - Frederick
     - 38
-         -  Likes his job
-          - There are some regulars
-         -  Doesn’t mind people venting
-          - Doesn’t have pets
-          - Has a few favourites
-          - Other people are interesting as their personalities change when they go into a bar
           - Likes the aspect of confidentiality
-          - Hears sad stories
-          - Has seen Louis in there, being yelled at by his ‘controlling wife’
-          - She asked if they serve grass beer.

At this time, we are thinking that James' character will have a link to the guys as he went to school with them, however his main link will be through Silvana. Silvana and Emma are sisters, and we want James to be Silvana's ex. Here are the links:

Seth and Hugo are brothers
Emma and Silvana are sisters
James and Silvana used to date
Everyone goes into James's pub
Hugo and Emma are dating
Louis and Amelie are dating
Hugo, Louis and Tristan are close mates from school

Wednesday 22 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE5 Developing more scenes

We split into 2 groups to develop more scenes between the characters. One scene was between myself, James and Tristan. The plan for this scene was to show their friendship and show Tristan's disliking towards Harry's (Louis') girlfriend, Meredith. This worked well as we managed to use good sets of movement to portray a friendship.

The other two groups also created non-naturalistic scenes. Here is a video of Emma, Silvana and Amelie's...

This physical theatre was really good. One bit I really liked was the 'puppet' movement. This is useful for showing a controlling relationship. We would probably use this movement between myself and Amelie to show that she controls me.

Hugo and Seth also created a short sequence using the poetry we used a while back. We didn't film it as it was too short to use in our performance.

This was a useful rehearsal as we developed different options.

We then looked at a specific DV8 scene set in a bar. We wouldn't be able to recreate this scene as it is very complicated however we would still use a similar style of movement surrounding beer glasses. We liked:

Tuesday 21 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE4 Poetry influences and music

FEST PROJECT: units 9 and 33

Today we looked at pairing words with physical theatre sequences. To start with, we ran a short but comprehensive warm-up, consisting of stretching and light cardio to minimize the risk of potential injury.
Throughout the lesson we played the following songs as they are all about loyalty - which is the overall theme of our piece:

We were looking to find any dialogue in the music that we could look further into. 
After the warm-up, we looked at three different poems regarding loyalty, read them out loud and discussed them.
John Shelley waited for me
in front of my period 7
Creative Writing class
and I knew
what he wanted even before he spoke.
"I'll drive you
again today, " I said.
"I can't bear
the bus ride home
after the hospital -
so much noise
"No problem."
John Shelley stared
into my eyes
perhaps wanting a solution
to hi agony -
not possible.
"It's not her death,"
he finally said,
"but the slow dying
I can't endure
a hope turned turned to dust
then another glimmer
that soon gone too
feel so weak
my wife tries
to understand...
it's my mother
and I'm an only child."
Suddenly I heard a commotion in class
nodded to John
rushed inside
to see
16 year old Carrie Cook
belly bulging with child
holding her hand high
the diamond engagement
in the flickering fluorescent light
of motherhood.

The first was about a teacher's loyalty to a colleague who had a terminally ill mother. This was the longest of the three, which meant that we spent a long time dissecting it. There were lots of underlying issues such as teenage pregnancy and marital problems, however we decided to look at the bond between colleagues in more detail as it is simpler to portray than the others.

Loyalty slips around my silent brother
Guarding me from pain
Desperate to save me

Honor slunk before the drunken man
He yells and screams
Booze wafts off his breath

Regret hobbles inside a broken lamp
The one that just hit my brother
It's light never to shine again

Hope paced around the weak child
As sirens sound outside the door
And men dressed in blue
Break down the door.

By Analissa Range

The second poem we looked at was about a child's brother being beaten with a lamp by their father, and the internal conflict it caused. This is an interesting dynamic, however we didn't look at this one in much detail because after some thinking I realised that it would not fit in with our characters, and also because we decided that theme was too dark for the sort of piece we would like to create.

Jewels of meekness
Serenade the lonely heart
Her dignity is a shawl of blue light
Close to faith in her pain
Gentle as a sapphire night
Warm with rubies in mystic fire

I will never be on the outside
I will always read your words
I shall send angel flowers

You have touched me my friends
We are alike
Broken yet resolved to do good
Abstract kisses are still sweet
No poet writes to no one
Universals flow in time
If I go first a tear you will cry

Loyalty sometimes is sublime

By Joseph Narusiewiez

The last poem we read was the shortest of them all, and fairly vague. It is about the narrator's dying friend, and had beautiful imagery - for instance sending 'angel bouquets' to her. This poem explored the possibility of loss of loyalty between them, resilience and how they work through issues and separation.

To try and put these poems to movement, we split into two groups - the three girls and the five boys.
The girls decided to go with the last one as it is potentially the most relevant to our piece, even though it is a more serious topic. We did not manage to develop much material as we only had ten minutes to do so, however they discussed the nature of movement they could use and found some examples. For instance, with the whole poem being about
loss and reflection, felt that they could do a trust lean or lift. The lean would be one person leaning with a straight body off the stage with planted feet while the others hold onto an arm each. Alternatively, they could do two flying lifts with one person reaching towards the other, but they would need more people.

While all this was useful, I think we really need to work out the basic plot of the piece tomorrow, as well as developing more physical theatre techniques.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

WHERE LOYALTIES LIE3 Devising short scenes


Starting activity: What is loyalty?

  • Friendships 
  • Relationships 
  • Compromising your beliefs 
  • respect and honesty 
  • Family - character can't decide whether 
  • Job - offered new job but have loyalties to the last one 
  • Organisation 
  • Religion 
  • political leaders 
  • standing by someone at all times 
  • cheating on s/o 
  • compromising beliefs to defend people you're loyal to 
  • brand loyalty 
  • biological family vs the people who actually raised you 


Task - to create 3 scenes in 20 minutes, that surrounds the issue of loyalties

Tristan and Emma

  • Silent entrance - showing the desperation
  • Narrative enigma
  • Shift of emotions from angry to wanting help and advise
Louis, Amelie, James and Hugo

  • Amelie entering 
  • Amelie being very controlling - parental controls on phone etc.
  • Bar tender character knowing everything
  • Relationship between Louis and Amelie's character
  • Conflict in Louis - whether to stay in bar or go with Amelie - apparent in walk
  • Wedding in the air but it never quite happen
  • Possibly the morning of the wedding but doesn't go right.
Seth, Silvana and Hugo

  • Betrayal of trust 
  • People finding out
  • Misunderstanding - Hugo not knowing and then calming down once understood - shift
  • Introduction of Hugo's character

What we liked:
A new character entering the scene to create a comic affect (Meredith being controlling)
Betrayal of trust (telling other peoples secrets and then the other finding out)
DV8 style of theatre
The barman could hear everyones secrets but keeps them to himself
The misunderstanding (Silvana, Seth and Hugo - Hugo came in shouting but then understood)
Never getting to the wedding

Plot ideas:
Potential 5 plot points
Controlling girlfriend - never quit gets married -have comic scene with wife continuously walking on on him doing things he shouldn't
Barman hears everything people say
Bartender could tell the story
rehearsal Dinner party - tension begins
couples yoga - deep discussion - Amelie tells off Louis
confrontation - Louis is told that Amelie is a bad influence, goes home, tries to talk to her, manipulated into thinking


We did some warming up after lunch which we had planned in the previous lesson.  In our pairs we lead a warm up.  It was important to get our bodies warm and moving around as we were doing Frantic Assembly.
Seth and I lead some stretches and also used the song Roxanne by The Police.  Every time it said "Roxanne", the girls had to do a push up and every time it said "red light", the boys had to do a pushup.

Amelie and Silvana also lead some stretches.
Hugo and Tristan made the group do push ups for 1 minute as well as sit ups for 2 minutes.
Louis and James used the song Love The Way You Lie by Rihanna and Eminem.  When Eminem was rapping, we had to hold a plank position and when Rihanna sang, we would break.

At the end, we played a hand game where everyone lies on their stomach in a circle facing the middle with their hands in front of them.  Then everyone put their right hand over the left hand of the person to their right.  Then we would go round in a circle and everyone would tap the floor in order of the hands.  It gets very difficult because you think that your hand is next when it isn't.  Whenever someone messed up, they would have to get up and run around the circle before everyone has slapped around the circle.  If they didn't get there in time, they would have to do 10 push ups.


We tried a Frantic method from Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.  We started by having all of us walking around in a big figure of 8, trying to weave us together.  Then we added in points where we would change from walking forwards to walking backwards.  We then had Tristan in the middle who's objective was to get our attention but we didn't give it to him.  His next objective was to pick up a book from the ground but the rest of us had the objective of not letting Tristan pick it up.  This could be used in a panicky scene where the person in the centre feels like they can't get a hold of something or they're frustrated.  We also thought that this would be good in a train station, a school hallway and a busy hospital.


We moved on to lifts by Frantic Assembly.  The first lift we looked at was the hip lift.  One person had to have their arm around the other's waist and squat down to get their hip below the other persons.  Then they would take a step and then, with pressure applied to the hip area, would lift the other person up.

The second lift we looked at was the clipboard lift.  One person had to squat to get their hips lower than the other persons and then the other person would put their arm over their shoulder and clamp it together.

The last lift we looked at was the one rock lift.  There were two people standing opposite each other and one was squatted down.  Then the other would go up to them and press down on their shoulders and lift one leg up.  Everyone else would then lift the person from underneath.  The person in the air could then let go of the first person's shoulders.


We then had the task to create a piece about loyalty using Frantic Assembly's methods.  We could use the ones from last week as well, such as chair duets and round, by, through.
This is what we've created so far.

Monday 13 January 2020



Hotseating is a very good technique for developing a character, as it gives us opportunities to think about links between each of them

Charles Brown - Tristan
  • Learnt to like job
  • 30
  • Physiotherapist
  • got into rugby injury - wanted to help people
  • Watched a man get pulled from a car - father
  • Pushed him into rugby
  • close
  • 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 step sister
  • stepsister - hippie
  • Frederik Normandy 
  • 35 years old
  •  Bartender
  • Doesn't like job
  • 5 years long
  • needed pay - easy
  • tough work hours
  • 6 days a week
  • read, sleep
  • good upbringing
  • no family left - 1 son left off to uni
Marie Trina - Silvana
  • 30 years old
  • Homeless shelter
  • SELLS paintings - abstract
  • 100 each
  • shows her work in gallery
  • Favourite old homeless man
  • has a sister (older)
  • likes to help less fortunate
  • no
  • selfless
  • London - Chelsea
Seth - Jeffrey Wilkinson
  • 42 years old
  • no job
  • made money from riding motorbike doing deliveries
  • Kawasaki racing bike
  • Had a traumatic crash on bike
  • Lived in 5 bedroom house - private school
  • Siblongs - 1 brother
  • overdosed - dead
  • done drugs
  • smokes
  • self-control
  • social life - different friends - meeting friends - old friends from school
  • lots of enemies
David Loth
  • 28 years old
  • Father made a lot of money - real estate
  • plays golf - or tennis - likes cars - Lambo or Mclaren
  • mum passed away when young - older brother
  • brother fell out with dad
  • go for Brexit - tory
  • aggressive 
  • social life - girls are after him for his money
Harry Thomas
  • Run an office for shipping stationary
  • 26 years old
  • Well paid job
  • Spends a lot of time with fiancĂ©e 
  • Go on walks, meditates, plays with grass
  • Girlfriend introduced meditation
  • Wants a stick insect because of positive energy - girlfriend said
  • Didn't believe in any of this stuff before girlfriend but trusts her
  • Still takes anti-anxiety pills without her knowing
  • Had anxiety since he was young
  • Started taking pills mid teen years
  • Girlfriend says they kill brain cells 
  • Girlfriend calls herself spiritual doctor
  • She has no qualifications
  • Been together 2 and a half years - known for a lot longer
  • She is 24 years old
  • He believes her theories etc.
  • Friends aren't girlfriend biggest fan
Mary Wood/Meredith 
  • 24 years old
  • no work - activities she enjoys - isn't working
  • renowned for her herbal remedies
  • e.g grass has many benefits + qualities - in teabag - cures headaches + dislocated knees
  • has husband
  • she controls her boyfriend
  • lived with her mum - her mother doesn't approve of her
  • practices goat yoga daily
  • loves making baskets out of feathers
  • never knew her father
Dental nurse - Jane Stephens
  • 26 years old
  • enjoys some bits of occupation - likes to talk to people
  • earns good money
  • good and well family - close family
  • has a partner - just dating
  • considers her partners lifestyle as fun
  • likes golf
  • likes her job a lot - long hours
  • had a little girl that almost bit her finger off (worst moment)
  • loves coffee
  • "doesn't need a lot of friends"
  • lost some friends because of boyfriend
  • would like to marry him but isn't going great at the moment
  • boyfriend doesn't believe in marriage

Hugo - David Loth - rich playboy
Amelie - Mary 'Meredith' Wood
Seth - Jeffrey Wilkinson - delivery man
Louis - Harry Thomas - office manager
James - Frederik Normandy - bartender
Emma - Jane Stephens - dental nurse
Tristan - Charles Brown - Physiotherapist
Silvana - Marie Trainor - works at homeless shelter - sells paintings

David and Jane are dating
Harry and Meredith are dating
Davids brother is Jeffrey
Marie and Jane are sisters
Marie is Frederiks ex
Charles is Harry's best mate

Wednesday 8 January 2020


Today we are starting our new project that we will performance at the start of March. The aim for todays lesson is to read through 'Art', as this is a play that we will chose to take influence from. We like the themes of loyalty and friendship in this play.

To begin with, we reread pages 42 and 43 of the script of the play 'ART' to familiarise ourselves with the plot, characters and themes after the Christmas break. We began by splitting into groups of boys and girls. The boys worked on developing the scene where Serge brings up his problem with Mark's girlfriend and Yvan is caught in the middle. We spent 15 minutes experimenting with different ways of directing this scene, and different ways of blocking it. We then performed this short scene to the rest of the class. The feedback we received was that it was a fascinating way of portraying the meaning in the scene. We then applied this scene and the feedback to our own piece, and decided that we would need to emphasise Yvan's uncertainty and his objective: i.e to keep the peace and stop his group breaking up.

While we worked n that scene, the girls were working on exploring a potential scene through improvisation. This was a scene where Mark's girlfriend Paula interacts with his friends. After watching their performance, we decided that this scene wasn't working. We decided to rework the scene, and have each actor playing a different role (with Amelie playing Paula, Emma playing Serge and Silvana playing Yvan). This worked better as each actor fitted each character better, meaning the flow of the scene worked.

A specific issue we addressed for this performance was creating a mature performance that stepped away from teenage issues as this has been a common theme that our group had produced earlier in our school year.

We chose to create a scene that used characters from 'Art'. We all sat around a dinner table while My character and Amelie's character announced that we were getting engaged. We chose to do improvise this scene to develop any conflicting opinions between the characters. Amelie was playing a hippie (similar to Paula) and I was playing her boyfriend (who was slightly controlled by her). Emma was playing an obnoxious dental nurse, Seth was a drug addict, Silvana worked for a charity and Hugo was a young man living off his parents with far-right opinions. We took inspiration from this

The scene began slowly, however towards the end, some interesting ideas came out. These are:

  • the homeopathy debate
  • the natural medicine Amelie was forcing me to take
  • lack of interest from Seth
  • the contrasts between characters
Later on in the day, we worked on the physical theatre aspect of the piece. We did a few physical warm-ups, including jogging, followed by the walking exercise from three points in the room which we had to move between in different ways.

We began looking at movement called round by through contact improvisation. This is a series of non-naturalistic movements used to demonstrate a relationship between two characters. Here is an example we took inspiration from.


In this video, the moves between the characters are complicated, therefore the moves we were doing were a lot simpler. We split into groups of 2 and worked on creating a short sequence of movement each. It was a slightly complicated task at first, as it was something new and we were unsure on the movements however at the end, we began to get the hang of it. One sequence that I felt was specifically impactful was between Amelie and Seth, as theirs was slightly more advanced, with different use of proxemics.

After this, we looked at developing monologues. Monologues are a very good starting point for devising theatre as it gives more detail to each character. As we wanted equal contribution from every actor, we set out 7 pieces of paper around the room and we had a set amount of time on each one. To make sure we were able to develop the monologues, there was a specific scenario at the top of each paper. At the end of this exercise, we all sat in a circle and read out each monologue. The only issue with this exercise is that they didn't always make sense, as we were rushed while writing. Overall, there were a series of good ideas that we were prepared to explore.

As we knew we wanted to explore friendships, we decided on the name 'Where loyalties lie' as it would give us a bit more control on the plot, as we knew we had a specific concept to follow.