Thursday 21 November 2019

Peter and the Wolf MARKETING

My job for Peter and the wolf was to create posters, flyers, a video and contact the school to advertise our theatre production in the school newspaper. Here is a draft of a video I created.

 We later decided that a video would not be the most efficient way of marketing. This is because there are not many places we could put it. Instead, I designed posters to put online and to print out and spread across our school. Here is the design...

I chose to use pencil drawings of the characters at it was a simple colour scheme, allowing others colours to work on the poster. The drawings are well fitted for children, as the expressions are exaggerated. The certain fonts I chose were a mixture between bubble and standard serif font. My intention was for the poster to look professional yet still engaging to children. I tried to use different colours including red, yellow and purple.

Along with this, we put it on the school website, put it in the school newsletter and put it on the schools social media.

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