Wednesday 20 November 2019

Anti-Bullying Mock FINAL PERFORMANCE analysis


  • Tableaux
  • Non-naturalistic
  • Naturalistic
  • Stage Combat
  • Contrasted comedy and serious moments
  • Used statistics
  • Stereotypes
  • Captions
  • Brecht influences - "Maths Class" + usage of cards saying 'speak up'


  • Addition of projection
  • Comedic moments (Tristan's classroom character worked)
  • Moved into spotlight pretty well
  • Stayed in role throughout
  • Used techniques that students identified with
  • Created an atmosphere with the statistics


  • Act more childlike
  • Louder
  • Several actors forgot different cues
  • left awkward when characters entered stage when they weren't supposed to
  • Smoother transitions + full of energy
  • Use more of the stage
  • Further gradual build up to the punch
In my opinion, we gave a performance that entertained the audience with comedic and serious moments. I feel as though the message was received by the audience, but several mistakes were made on the night + energy levels could have been higher, causing them to be slightly distracted from the message.

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