Monday 7 December 2020


 Today, we split into 3 separate groups, with there being one director per group. We were tasked with coming up with our own unique interpretation of Lucky's monologue. Amelie was directing Emma and Silvana and interpreted it as having 2 contrasting emotions portrayed by 2 different people I was working with James, as the director (with him being the actor). This worked very well, as they split up the text into different possible emotions. The two actors communicated well, portraying the relationship well. It was clear that these two were similar to a brother and sister/sibling relationship, with the characters clearly disliking each other, however being forced to stay together.

Hugo was directing Tristan, and they played their contemporary interpretation in a bar. This was another scene that worked well, however, the movement of the piece was quite static. I felt the idea worked very well though and is a concept that I would consider using as my own. If I would be performing it myself, I would use my space a lot more.

I directed James, and interpreted it as a presentation given by an old man. In the context of the piece, Lucky would come out of his usual role and step out to tell it as a story. This is a very contemporary interpretation, as it is breaking the fourth wall. Halfway through the performance, I introduced some church music into the background. This completely changed the view of the audience on the meaning of the piece. Emma interpreted it as wedding music however I saw it as a funeral setting, with Lucky celebrating Pozzo's death. Ms Williams referenced a story surrounding a flood, suggesting that Pozzo and Lucky could have been sent to Vladimir and Estragon by god, and Lucky's speech is his frustrated expression as Vladimir and Estragon aren't using them as they should be.

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