Friday 6 March 2020


First of all, we had 2 and a half hours to work in a relatively decent sized space before traveling over to the performance venue. We had planned to do a run through in this time however one of our cast members turned up late so it meant we couldn't. Instead, we tidied up the sound and lighting cue sheets.

We had the opportunity to do our final dress rehearsal in the actual performance space. This meant we could nail the sound and lighting cues as we were able to work with the technicians. It also meant that we could familiarise ourselves with the backstage area, the dressing room and the timing we had to do everything (e.g. go from one side of the wings to the other, how long we had to put our set on stage).

This is very useful to do for all productions as it means the performance day will go a lot smoother, which not only benefits your group but it benefits all the other groups performing as it means you aren't getting in their way.

We needed to look at how the spacing is different in this space compared to our stage at our school. This is why our run through in this space had a few pauses. Some other things we had to change or look out for include:
  • Projecting so that everyone in the audience could hear
  • watching out for the amplifiers 
  • Staying in the light
  • Speaking over music

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