Wednesday 16 October 2019

Anti-Bullying Mock BLOCKING

This is when we started looking at performing a piece of theatre for year 7-9. Our intention is to create a piece of theatre that can impact these students with a positive message. These are some ideas we started off with.

  • Single parent, dad
  • Bullied about mother (bullies make up stories)
  • Has to care for parent at home - always late for school
  • Don’t judge because you don’t know what’s going on
  • Mel goes to teachers (who don’t help)
  • Teachers snitch to their child who goes to that school
  • That child tells the bullies and then bullying gets worse
  • Go into hospital - parent seriously ill
  • Bullies realize what they’ve done
  • Boy moves to new school
  • Gets in with wrong crowd
  • Gets dared to do things in class
  • Gets suspended
  • Comes back to school & doesn’t want to do anything
  • Bullying gets reported & stops
  • Start with tragic ending
  • Mel in hospital - mum has passed away
  • Mel stopped eating - having treatment for anorexia
  • Mel’s first day at new school
  • Comes in late - nothing prepared
  • Nice students 
  • Gets detentions after time
  • Detentions turn into suspension because he can’t go to them 

  • Gets taken around school by bad person
  • Gets into wrong crowd
  • Everyone bullies so he feels he has to as well
  • Lies about background & family life
  • Keeps bullying because feels he has to stay that way to stay in group
  • Gets suspended for bullying (victim tells teacher)
  • Friends go to his house - discover he was lying about his wealth & his mum 
  • Has argument with mum so goes to park 
  • Friends bully him
  • Gets phone call that mum is dead
  • Goes to hospital
  • Stops eating - becomes anorexic
  • Physically bullied as well for dead mother
  • Hospitalized
  • Improvisation
  • Physical Theatre
  • Writing in role
  • Verbatim - direct audience address or dialogue

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