Wednesday 23 October 2019

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 3

Procession follow up

Today, we used our previous research on different processions to create an entertaining procession. Going into the lesson, we had little idea as to what we would do with is, however we looked at what would be the most creative way of using all the space. To show that the characters were walking to the zoo, we wanted Peter, the wolf and the hunters to walk up the stairs, cross over to the other side, come back down the stairs and then exit through the audience door. This shows that we are going on a journey.While we are halfway, the cat and grandfather will come and do their movement on stage, both performing their motifs. The grandfather will fall back with his walking stick, while the cat will attempt to get the attention from the audience. Then by the time they are done, Peter, the hunters and the wolf will be down by the stage and the grandfather and cat will tag along. Then the birds music will play, meaning the bird will have a small dance routine on stage while the rest of the cast keep walking. Once her section is complete, she will tag along and we will all walk off. Then the music will continue and we will rush back on stage to finish the piece with a final pose. The key to making this entertaining is the audience interaction. My job (as Peter) is to be constantly high giving the children in the audience, while the wolf we be growling at them.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 2

In this rehearsal we did the warm up game Chinese Whispers but with actions to get our bodies moving.  We had to use movements from the characters from Peter and the Wolf and it would go down the line until we had a movement that should have but didn't look anything like the movement at the start.


We then looked at the procession and watched some videos online to help us figure out how we want to choreograph this section.  We looked at contact improvisation for ideas on how the characters could interact with each other as there is no dialogue.

Monday 21 October 2019

Peter and the Wolf MOTIFS

Peter - constant skipping - childlike

Hunters - They walk with a half lunge, and they do it synchronized

Wolf - moves low, with hand up (as if he is ready to launch at someone)

Duck - moves with her hips, and every step she turns her body

Cat - walks along the beat, with a long lunge for each step. Then when the beat has a half beat, her steps change for it.

Bird - the bird is constantly dancing (as our bird has the most experience in dance)

Peter and the Wolf BLOCKING 1

In this lesson, we completed the simple blocking for Peter and the Wolf, until the procession. This is a useful step for us as it means we will be able to focus on the finer details, for example looking at adding the correct amount of dance to the play. The majority of the BTEC Performing Arts students have a limited ability on dance, therefore our aim is to communicate with our choreographer (Amelie Marchand) to come up with the best contrast between dance and movement.

This means that we simply have where we want our set to be, where we want the brief areas each of us should stand in and where we should stand based on what line is being said. The only main scene I have looked at for myself is the opening scene. In this scene, I enter the meadow and walk around. At the start, the brief plan was to walk on, have a skip around and then finish sitting down, however we added more creative movement. I now kick some grass (mime) pick up some grass and throw it in the air, check nobody is looking and eat some grass (and the spit it out) and then flick some whatever.

Previous to this blocking rehearsal, we had the idea of performing with thrust stage. We decided against this decision in today's rehearsal as we feel it will not create the same atmosphere and it will be hard to find a space large enough to fit the size audience we are looking for

Sunday 20 October 2019

Peter and the Wolf OVERVIEW


  • Flute
  • Obo - double reed
  • Clarinet - single reed
  • Horn 
  • Bassoon - double reed


  • Talented actors
  • Artists to create costumes and set
  • Similar amount of boys to girls
  • Small group
  • Close friends
  • movements
  • budget
  • little time with musicians
  • needing to make set and costume
  • not many dancers
  • time constraint
  • primary school to help inspire
  • international tour
  • auditorium as performance space
  • Luxembourg quintet professionals 
  • big audience
  • people coming because of Christmas holidays
  • Christmas shows going on
  • people living in different countries
  • overtaken by bigger companies
  • narrator
  • hunters
  • wolf
  • Peter
  • grandfather
  • cat
  • duck
  • bird

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Anti-Bullying Mock BLOCKING

This is when we started looking at performing a piece of theatre for year 7-9. Our intention is to create a piece of theatre that can impact these students with a positive message. These are some ideas we started off with.

  • Single parent, dad
  • Bullied about mother (bullies make up stories)
  • Has to care for parent at home - always late for school
  • Don’t judge because you don’t know what’s going on
  • Mel goes to teachers (who don’t help)
  • Teachers snitch to their child who goes to that school
  • That child tells the bullies and then bullying gets worse
  • Go into hospital - parent seriously ill
  • Bullies realize what they’ve done
  • Boy moves to new school
  • Gets in with wrong crowd
  • Gets dared to do things in class
  • Gets suspended
  • Comes back to school & doesn’t want to do anything
  • Bullying gets reported & stops
  • Start with tragic ending
  • Mel in hospital - mum has passed away
  • Mel stopped eating - having treatment for anorexia
  • Mel’s first day at new school
  • Comes in late - nothing prepared
  • Nice students 
  • Gets detentions after time
  • Detentions turn into suspension because he can’t go to them 

  • Gets taken around school by bad person
  • Gets into wrong crowd
  • Everyone bullies so he feels he has to as well
  • Lies about background & family life
  • Keeps bullying because feels he has to stay that way to stay in group
  • Gets suspended for bullying (victim tells teacher)
  • Friends go to his house - discover he was lying about his wealth & his mum 
  • Has argument with mum so goes to park 
  • Friends bully him
  • Gets phone call that mum is dead
  • Goes to hospital
  • Stops eating - becomes anorexic
  • Physically bullied as well for dead mother
  • Hospitalized
  • Improvisation
  • Physical Theatre
  • Writing in role
  • Verbatim - direct audience address or dialogue

Wednesday 2 October 2019

INTERVIEW: Primary Students

In this interview, I asked several year 2 students a series of questions. These include:

  • What scares you and why?
  • If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  • Do you like music + who is your favourite singer/song?
  • What is your favourite movie and why?
  • What is your favourite fairytale?