Wednesday 25 September 2019

Practitioners - Mrs Williams

  • Emotion memory - reliving experience (made actors go mad as it was too traumatic)
  • Units & objectives - super-objectives (whole play), through-line (smaller objectives)
  • Actioning - if there is a line of text that's not coming across as real, add an action to make it real
  • Changed emotion memory to sense memory - thinking about senses rather than actual experience so actors don't go mad
  • 1896-1956
  • Grew up in Nazi Germany
  • Called out propaganda & got exiled
  • Berliner Ensemble
  • Three Penny Opera
  • Caucasian Chalk Circle
  • Good Woman
  • Didactic theatre - teaching, to change society
  • Epic theatre - alienation, V-effect - turn off audience's emotions but turn on their brain
  • "What there is shall go to those that are good for it"
  • Characters talk in 3rd person & use direct audience address
  • Theatre group in Britain
  • Started in 2000
  • Founded by Felix Barrett
  • Promenade theatre - walking
  • Site specific - the place is the stimulus - graveyard, school, forest
  • Theatre of cruelty
  • 1896-1948
  • Known work - The Theatre and It's Double
  • Went to Paris in 20s & met the Surrealists
  • Acted in a couple of films
  • Surrealists rejected him
  • 1926-1928 - co-ran Theatre Alfred Jarry - producing work by August Strindberg
  • 'The Cenci' - incest heavy
  • 1938 - The Theatre and It's Double - surrealism, symbolism
  • Psychological and human stagnation - restore theatre to its original destiny - fused together dance, song, pantomime in a perspective of hallucination & fear
  • Theatre of cruelty - "in which violent physical images crush & hypnotise the sensibility of the spectator seized by the theatre as a whirlwind of higher forces"
  • Brazilian
  • Forum theatre, invisible theatre & image theatre
  • Forum - bringing people from audience to fix scene & make it better
  • Invisible - scene with actions protagonist would like to try in real life, potential real life situations
  • Image - short scenes, 1-2 minutes, strong imagery
  • 1937 East London, Jewish
  • Extreme physicality is used to make sense of the poetic language
  • Uses iambic pentameter & rhyming couplets etc.
  • Flowing poetic but horrible scenes
  • Uses experiences
  • Founded 1994
  • Work reflects contemporary culture
  • Non-naturalistic
  • Combines movement, design, music & text
  • Frantic method - direction through movement & physical awareness can be implemented in moments of stillness - physical theatre

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